U10 Hollyhocks Take 2nd Place in Waterville Valley!

Two weeks ago, the Marblehead Hollyhocks U10 team took the Deep Freeze Tournament by
storm, finishing in second place over the four game weekend stretch. It was the first time this
group had traveled for a tournament, and the team rallied to come out almost on top!
The roster included 4 Mites playing up a level, 4 girls from Agawam, one from Lynn and the rest
from Marblehead Squirt teams. One of the great things about the Hollyhocks program is we
are able to pull girls from other towns, mimicking the co-op that serves the MHS Girls team so
Marblehead started out Friday with a 7-0 loss to the New England Pride, a select team from the
Newton area, which set the stage for some fiery comebacks. Saturday morning the girls
toppled Plymouth with a 3-1 win in the Plymouth State College rink, edging the Hollyhocks up
to a 1-1 status in the tournament. The third game, which followed some excellent team
bonding activities, brought a 1-1 tie with Duxbury in a well-matched competition. Ultimately,
the Hocks made it to the Championship Game as a goal deficit earned us the slot to break a tie
for participation. “We can thank Olivia Siden in net for that, in addition to all the excellent
defensive work the whole team put in all weekend” said Coach Karen Wales. “Olivia really
came through with some big saves, and kept us in the game when we needed her most.”
The finals brought the Hollyhocks back to face the New England Pride again late Sunday
afternoon; this time with a 5-2 loss that landed us with Silver Medals and Second place overall
for the weekend. The girls came back to fight very well against a strong team of experienced
players, and earned the respect of the officials who actually pulled the team together after the
game to applaud their efforts and commend their improvement over the weekend. “I’m very
proud of the effort that was put forth by this crew of girls – they rallied and gave it everything
they had! We are already looking forward to booking next year for a comeback.”

Pictured from Left to Right, bottom to top rows:
Front: Millie Miserandino, Middle Row: Emma Johnson, Kiley Lewis, Layla Dulac, Bella
Macaulay, Annie Wales, Morgan McCoy, Sarah Belford
Back Row: Karen Wales (Coach), Phoebe Allen, Bianca Fredrickson, Olivia Siden, Gwen Potter,
Ben Dulac (Coach), Tessa Dombal, Parker Booth, Madi Reno, Emma Roy, Ryan Siden (Coach),
Amelia Serino and Sage Wadlow.

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