Mite Coed U8
After a player completes the Learn To Play or equivalent program, they progress to the Mite Division which is for girls and boys ages 5-8. Following the guidelines of The Valley Hockey League and USA Hockey, the Mite level teams play half-ice games which allows players of all skill levels to have more time with the puck allowing them to develop their hockey skills faster.
The Mite teams practice 2-3 times per week and have 1 game per week. (Schedules are released in mid-August.) All of the practices are in Lynn or Salem. Games are always on Saturday or Sunday and typically held at Pingree in South Hamilton or Hockeytown in Saugus.

Squirt Coed U10
Boys and girls under the age of 10 comprise our three Squirt level teams This is an exciting year on the ice as it is the first time that players skate on a full sheet of ice and have game rules and penalties imposed. Practices are 2-3 times per week and there are 35 games in the season which runs from September through March. Practices are in Lynn,Salem, or Beverly and games are within 45 minutes of Marblehead.
PeeWee Coed U12
The PeeWee program is open to girls and boys ages from 10-12 years of age. Practices are 3 times per week and are located in Lynn, Salem, or Beverly. They play 35 games per season and all games are within a 45 minute drive of Marblehead.

Bantam U14
The Bantam league is for boys ages 14 and under. This is the first time that checking is introduced into hockey so special attention is paid to proper checking technique in the summer pre-season skills clinic and early season practices.
Alternate Player Program
The alternate spot selection for MYHA has been created with the goal of giving all those who live in Marblehead the opportunity to play and stay connected to their town, if and only if, they are affiliated with another club hockey program or are committed to another winter sport during that season. This designation aligns to MYHA's mission of providing an opportunity for everyone in Marblehead to be part of the youth hockey program. It is important to point out that the goal of the alternate spot is not to interfere, disrupt, or take away anyone's chances of making one of the selected teams.
We believe that with this new designation of an alternate spot, it will help keep players connected to Marblehead longer given the current and changing competitive hockey landscape.